Monday, April 27, 2009

The Crossing

Two eyes, deep and scarlet
Pulsating, like hearts...
A warning.

Confused noise, a clanging cacophony of sound.
Steel on steel.
Held back are impatient, vibrating
Waiting for…
The moment.
A torrent, they come alive.
Moving ceaselessly on… and on…
To unknown destinations.

The eyes, their lifeless, vacant gaze
Have served their purpose.
And with purpose gone…
Waiting to be born again.

While others sleep, a man
Lifts his tired eyes, and looks…

When again dark countryside flies past,
His head slowly droops
Once more in sleep;
Rocked gently by a relaxing
Click-clack, click-clack.

Copyright © 1969, S.A. Riches